early orthodontic treatmentThe main goal of early interceptive treatment is to make sure there is adequate space for all of the permanent teeth and that the upper and lower jaws are growing in harmony to achieve an ideal bite. Oftentimes, children can have a narrow upper arch from thumb sucking or pacifier use causing decreased space for permanent teeth. When caught early, an orthodontist can place a training appliance to correct the habit and if significant jaw growth modifications have occurred in the upper arch, there are expander appliances designed to slowly expand the arch, creating space to accommodate all of the permanent teeth and improving the way the upper and lower arches fit together.

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that all children see an orthodontist by age 7.  This visit allows orthodontists like Dr. Elena Black of Appalachian Orthodontics of Lynchburg to assess the bite, to assess if there is adequate spacing for permanent teeth and to assess the growth of the jaws. If any treatment is necessary, Dr. Black explains in detail the reason for the intervention and the available appliances that can be used so that the patient and the parents are comfortable with the proposed treatment before placing any appliances.

Appalachian Orthodontics of Lynchburg sees many patients who require early orthodontic treatment.  Usually due to lack of spacing or bite issues that are easily corrected at an early age, Phase 1 treatment is recommended as an option to minimize the duration of comprehensive orthodontic treatment later be it with either braces or Invisalign clear aligners.  Early intervention treatment can be important to ensure a healthy and functional bite in adulthood.

Young children who need early intervention orthodontic treatment can find great care and lots of fun at Appalachian Orthodontics of Lynchburg. For a complimentary consultation, in person or virtual, contact us at 434.515.0370.