Invisalign has secured a place in the world of orthodontics by being an innovative, state of the art product that gives adults and teens the option to have hassle-free orthodontic treatment. Orthodontists appreciate Invisalign because of its cutting edge technology. Patients appreciate it for the ease of use that the technology provides. One aspect of the Invisalign technology that patients recognize as providing an easier user experience is the iTero digital scanner.

iTero Digital Scanner

Why is the iTero scanner such a fantastic addition to an Invisalign Center?

  1.  The iTero Digital Scanner is just that…completely digital. There are no more plaster impressions that could cause patients to gag on the materials, and so patients are more comfortable during the process.
  2. Quick results. The process of taking digital impressions takes only 5 minutes.  Treatment planning can begin immediately between the provider and patient.
  3. Greater accuracy. Digital impressions are more accurate than plaster. The precision that is achieved by the iTero scanner allows for excellent results and reduces the need for treatment plan changes mid way through, which orthodontists call “tweaks.”
  4. Digital images are always available. The images can be retained indefinitely, which makes it easier for patients and providers to track the progress of the treatment.

The iTero digital scanner has made taking impressions for clear aligners an easy, mess-free and stress-free step in the process to achieving a beautiful smile. Patients and providers receive multiple benefits from the implementation of the iTero scanner.

If you are ready to learn more about Invisalign, the iTero scanner and how they can be used to create a beautiful smile, contact Appalachian Orthodontics of Lynchburg at 434-515-0370 for a complimentary consultation.