From the makers of Invisalign, Vivera retainers are clear, comfortable plastic retainers designed to hold your smile in place after orthodontic treatment. Whether you wore Invisalign or traditional braces, Vivera retainers are custom-made to fit your teeth and preserve their orthodontically-corrected alignment.

Purpose of Retainers

Studies have shown that without retainers, straight teeth can gradually shift back towards their initial position. This relapse may occur after any type of orthodontic treatment, but can easily be overcome. Wearing Vivera retainers after traditional braces or Invisalign treatment means you are keeping your teeth in their new position and protecting your smile and investment.

Benefits of Vivera Retainers

So, why would you choose Vivera Invisalign retainers over traditional retainers? There are several different types of retainers, and all of them have certain advantages. Here are a few of the benefits of choosing Vivera retainers:

vivera Invisalign retainers

  • Removable for easy oral hygiene.
  • Esthetic as they are clear
  • Support new bone and connective tissue structure after orthodontic treatment.
  • Convenient.
  • Stronger and more durable than other clear retainers!
  • Most importantly-they come in a set of 4 identical copy of retainers for the same arch, which means you never have to go without a retainer if you happened to have lost one, if your dog chewed one or you left it at a restaurant

Ask Dr. Black About Vivera Retainers!

Dr. Black at Appalachian Orthodontics of Lynchburg is pleased to provide Vivera retainers to all patients entering the retention stage of treatment. These custom-made retainers are molded from a 3d-digital scan of your teeth, offering a precise fit and a more comfortable feel. Utilizing state-of-the-art technology and proprietary material, Vivera retainers are approximately 30% stronger than traditional retainers. Vivera retainers’ unique strength helps keep your teeth in the desired position for the duration of the retention phase, as well as reducing the risk of the retainers cracking or breaking.

Always follow Dr. Black’s instructions on how to wear and care for them and your smile will stay beautiful. Schedule an appointment with us, either in person or virtual, and get the smile of your dreams!